On Friday, May 13, studio BE was honored to host Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist, Analytic Group Psychotherapist (UKCP), Mindfulness Teacher, Yoga teacher, and Yoga therapist, Cassandra Fairweather for an interview with studio BE Founder + CEO, Jennifer Ciarimboli.
No small talk here as the two mindfulness teachers dug deep into the meaning of embodiment; the practice of yin yoga, questions around judgement, shame, and self-compasion; the importance (and lack of) accessibility to mindfulness resources; finding ways of being with the discomfort around racism and the suffering it causes; and the big question of what are you hungry for (spoiler alert: it may not be ice cream).
Be sure to watch (or listen) to the end when Cassandra shares a breathing space practice and offers suggestions of how to hold "all of it," whatever it is that you may be carrying.
Cassandra is a Yoga Teacher (Yoga Alliance accredited) and Yoga Therapist for the mind. She is also a Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist, Analytic Group Psychotherapist (UKCP), and Mindfulness Teacher (MBCT and MB-EAT). She supervises on The Minded Institute’s professional training and is an honorary psychotherapist within the NHS. She currently works in the community secondary mental health setting working with adults, couples, and groups and is training to be a Hoffman Process facilitator.
Cassandra specializes in working with stress-related physical and emotional issues including: body image and self-esteem issues, depression, anxiety, complex early trauma, interpersonal difficulties, and disordered eating. Her main interest lies in bridging her work as a psychotherapist with mindfulness and yoga therapy practices to alleviate internal suffering and help bring individual minds, emotions, bodies, and hearts back into balance so people can once again (or perhaps for the first time) feel connected and grounded.